Source code for riot_apy.apis.ChampionMasteryAPI

import requests
from ..classes import ChampionMastery

[docs]class ChampionMasteryAPI: def __init__(self, api_key): self.api_key = api_key
[docs] def get_all_masteries(self, summonerId: str, region: str): """ Get a list of :class:`~riot_apy.classes.ChampionMastery` for all champions. :param str summonerId: Summoner ID :param str region: League region :rtype: List[ChampionMastery] """ raw = requests.get(f'https://{region}{summonerId}?api_key={self.api_key}').json() masteries_list = [ChampionMastery(champ) for champ in raw] return masteries_list
[docs] def get_champion_mastery(self, summonerId: str, championId: int, region: str): """ Get the :class:`~riot_apy.classes.ChampionMastery` for a specific champion, given its ID. :param str summonerId: Summoner ID :param int championId: Champion ID :param str region: League region :rtype: ChampionMastery """ raw = requests.get(f'https://{region}{summonerId}/by-champion/{championId}?api_key={self.api_key}').json() mastery = ChampionMastery(raw) return mastery
[docs] def get_mastery_score(self, summonerId: str, region: str): """ Get the total mastery score for a given summoner. :param str summonerId: Summoner ID :param str region: League region :rtype: int """ raw = requests.get(f'https://{region}{summonerId}?api_key={self.api_key}').json() return raw