Source code for riot_apy.apis.MatchAPI

import requests
from ..classes import Match, Matchlist, MatchTimeline

[docs]class MatchAPI: def __init__(self, api_key): self.api_key = api_key
[docs] def get_match(self, id: int, region: str): """ Get the :class:`~riot_apy.classes.Match` given its ID. :param int id: Match ID :param str region: League region :rtype: Match """ raw = requests.get(f'https://{region}{id}?api_key={self.api_key}').json() match = Match(raw) return match
[docs] def get_matchlist(self, accountId: str, region: str, champion: list = None, queue: list = None, season: list = None, end_time: int = None, begin_time: int = None, end_index: int = None, begin_index: int = None): """ Get the :class:`~riot_apy.classes.Matchlist` for a certain player. Additional filters can be set. :param str accountId: Account ID :param str region: League region :param List[int] champion: List of champion IDs :param List[int] queue: List of queue IDs :param List[int] season: List of season IDs :param int end_time: End time in epoch milliseconds :param int begin_time: Begin time in epoch milliseconds :param int end_index: End index :param int begin_index: Begin index :rtype: Matchlist """ raw = requests.get(f'https://{region}{accountId}?api_key={self.api_key}', params={'champion': champion, 'queue': queue, 'season': season, 'endTime': end_time, 'beginTime': begin_time, 'endIndex': end_index, 'beginIndex': begin_index}).json() matchlist = Matchlist(raw) return matchlist
[docs] def get_timeline(self, id: int, region: str): """ Get the :class:`~riot_apy.classes.MatchTimeline` of a :class:`~riot_apy.classes.Match` given its ID. :param int id: Match ID :param str region: League region :rtype: MatchTimeline """ raw = requests.get(f'https://{region}{id}?api_key={self.api_key}').json() timeline = MatchTimeline(raw) return timeline